BFT Barriers

Control unit with programming display and built-in dual channel radio receiver.

They enable useful passages up to 6 m to be covered thanks to the new round boom.

Also available in a rapid version with an opening speed of 1.5s (plus slowing) and intensive use.

Our Brands

Range of barriers for very intensive use, for clear openings up to 6 m. The wide range of accessories available makes them ideal in any context.

What You Get?

  • Cheapest Price & Fastest Delivery in UAE (within 2 days).
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Gate Barrier [1 Nos.]
  • Aluminum Boom [1 Nos.]
  • Remote Control [2 Nos.]
  • Wireless Push Button [1 Nos.]
  • Safety Photocells [1 Pair]
  • Fixing Accessories
  • Free Site Visit & Inspection
  • Minor Fee on Installation

Available in:

4m, 6m, 9m, 12m or Custom Sizes.

Technologies Available

A single communication platform for all types of control units and receivers. The innovative interconnectivity systems developed by Bft along with wireless connection solutions in the field of access point automation become integrated through the new U-link system communication protocol. A technology designed and developed to operate using specific gateways for any type of physical media and communication protocol. To fully facilitate installers in creating the system and in maintenance, Bft can offer solutions based on Bluetooth transmission systems in local and TCP/IP environments for remote connection. U-Link ensures an absolutely stable standard, correct communication, as well as secure data protection thanks to two levels of encryption, offered by the data encryption system and password of the protocol and by the underlying communication system. – U-Link is a technological platform that forms the heart of Bft products – U-link uses an open approach: by changing the B-Eba, Bft proprietary gateway, it is possible to adapt to many different communication languages – U-link is flexible: it can work with or without a network connection, depending on the B-Eba gateway installed – U-Link enables remote maintenance of the products thanks to two-way communication – U-link is scalable: an infinite number of objects can be added to a U-link network – U-Link allows the creation of groups of products: various B-Ebas can be grouped to allow individual or group control of the associated products U-link is an innovation that turns products into Bft solutions.

For safe transmission. BFT transmitters use a rolling code system that manages the commands in a completely secure way and prevents any type of external violation. When a transmitter key is pressed the command is sent to the control unit with a different code each time, identifiable only by the receiver and accepted only once. The algorithm generated then prevents the reproduction of the code.


Motor rotation constantly under control The inverter is an electronic device allowing motor rotation speed to be controlled at any moment, ensuring safety and reliability of the installation, and even extending its life. This is because the inverter reduces the stresses on mechanical parts, subjecting them to less stress. The system also allows the management of automation opening and closing times.

Allows precise control and management of bar/boom speed in a specific range of Bft barriers and also provides excellent dynamic performance in acceleration and slowdown, ensuring extreme quietness.


The device included in a specific range of Bft barriers, offering great durability in being maintenance-free; it ensures extreme quietness and irreversibility of movement.

This device, included in a specific range of Bft barriers, allows the motor to be maintenance-free and offers extreme reliability and quietness. It can also be used in hazardous areas, as it does not produce sparks.

A contactless high-resolution device for detecting obstacles. It ensures rapid reversing of motion and improves smoothness of overall movement during acceleration and slowdown.

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