Boom Gate Barriers

We are direct suppliers of boom gate barriers from all brands. We do supply and installation of boom gate barriers. Get a free site visit and inspection from us. Get the cheapest quote in UAE for any type of gate barrier. We also do repairs.

What You Get?

  • Cheapest Price & Fastest Delivery in UAE (within 2 days).
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Gate Barrier [1 Nos.]
  • Aluminum Boom (4m) [1 Nos.]
  • Remote Control [2 Nos.]
  • Wireless Push Button [1 Nos.]
  • Safety Photocells [1 Pair]
  • Fixing Accessories
  • Free Site Visit & Inspection
  • Minor Fee on Installation


What is the cost of boom barrier gate?

Boom Barrier Gates prices vary depending on the type of Barrier Gates you require. The price for a Boom Barrier Gates can be cheap and expensive both.

What is Boom Barrier Gate?

Boom Barriers work with the aim of allowing for each passing traffic and controlling the entry and exit of vehicles. We provide power-driven models depending on the location. The latter is designed for continuous use and can easily handle high volume volumes. Boom length varies, which means that even the maximum width of the corridor can be protected. With the help of data management accessories, entry/ exit can be easily tracked.

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