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Insulated Aluminium Shutter Door

Maxwell Insulated aluminium rolling shutters are not only functional and attractive but also very energy-efficient. A closed window shutter with integrated insulation keeps you warm in the winter while ensuring a mild indoor environment during summer. The sandwich construction, which consists of highly insulating rigid polystyrene foam enclosed by two aluminium panels, provides excellent insulation. Regardless of whether the model is a closed window shutter in a simple or special shape, with a slat design, the insulating models guarantee thermal comfort throughout the day and at any season of the year.


Opening parameters for face of wall mounting: H — opening height (max), mm; B — opening width (max), mm; h1 — headroom (min), mm; b1 and b2 — sideroom clearance (min), mm. Use a measuring tape and a water level, or electronic measuring instruments to take all the necessary measurements. Every dimension should be taken at least in three points. When measuring the opening for overhead mounting take into account walls unevenness and reduce the measuring 5-10 mm.

Maxwell provides high quality, very competitively priced, double skin aluminium rolling shutters and security rolling doors manufactured in the UAE, Over the past several years, Maxwell has expanded out into other markets with its aluminium shutter products. Today we supply doors to the work truck, fire and rescue, architectural, point of purchase displays/kiosks, tool box/pit cart, and the list goes on. Shutter/coiling door use is the advantages of safety, ease of installation, reliability, and overall cost reduction are being realized.

Garage Door Company provides high quality, very competitively priced, hurricane shutters and security rolling doors manufactured in the UAE, Over the past several years, Maxwell has expanded out into other markets with its aluminium shutter products. Today we supply doors to the work truck, fire and rescue, architectural, point of purchase displays/kiosks, tool box/pit cart, and the list goes on. Shutter/coiling door use is the advantages of safety, ease of installation, reliability, and overall cost reduction are being realized.

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